Take Your Health to the Next Level with IV Infusion Therapy
Are you feeling run-down and more lethargic than normal? If these feelings persist, it’s worth looking into, as your body could be crying out for help. Perhaps you’re missing necessary vitamins, antioxidants, or hormones to help you feel healthier and more balanced. Whether you’re looking for a quick energy boost, strengthening your immune system, or preventative/anti-aging therapies, IV vitamin infusion therapy is ideal for patients who strive for optimal health. Our proprietary IV infusion blends are loaded with essential fluids, electrolytes, vitamins, co-enzymes, and antioxidants designed to promote whole-body health. So, if you’re ready to invest in your well-being and start feeling younger, healthier, and more energetic, contact our office in the Dallas, TX, area and ask about our IV infusions to learn about all your options.
Our IV Infusion Therapy
Myers’ Cocktail
This infusion has long been used as a general ”health and wellness” therapy and offers benefits such as improving fatigue and age-related muscle and joint pain, along with reducing inflammation and allergic response. Many conditions have been treated with Myers’ Cocktail, including asthma, migraine headaches, fatigue (including Chronic Fatigue Syndrome), fibromyalgia, acute muscle spasms, upper respiratory tract infections, seasonal allergies, cardiovascular disease, and other disorders. This mixture of vitamins and minerals contains magnesium, calcium, selenium, Vitamin C, and B vitamins (including B12).
Cash Pay is $125 & DPC Plan is $85
Immune Booster
This infusion is designed to help strengthen immune system protection, decrease the risk of colds and flu, and stimulate faster response to recovery. Immune Booster has Myers’ Cocktail with N-acetylcysteine and glutathione. N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is the supplement form of the amino acid cysteine, which helps to create powerful antioxidants that play a key role in strengthening the immune response. Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that has been shown to assist in destroying free radicals, which decreases cellular inflammation, as well as protecting DNA integrity, which may decrease the risk of certain cancers.
Cash Pay is $140 & DPC Plan is $100
Metabolic Booster
This customized blend of nutrients contains both carbohydrate and fat-burning vitamins along with L-carnitine, which help stimulate body fat metabolism and improve metabolic efficiency. This mixture contains Myers’ Cocktail and L-carnitine. L-carnitine is a naturally occurring amino acid and helps transport fatty acids into mitochondria, where they can be burned for energy. L-carnitine has been shown to assist in weight loss for obese or older adults.
Cash Pay is $140 & DPC Plan is $100
Energy Booster
Loaded with amino acids and B complex vitamins, this infusion helps to improve energy and athletic endurance without the side effects of stimulants or high-caffeine energy drinks. This mixture contains Myers’ Cocktail and Taurine. Taurine is a naturally occurring amino sulfonic acid and plays several important roles in muscle functioning. Taurine may aid in various aspects of exercise performance by reducing fatigue, increasing fat burning, and decreasing muscle damage.
Cash Pay is $140 & DPC Plan is $100
Glutathione Booster
Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory protein that has been shown to assist in destroying free radicals, which decreases cellular inflammation and protects DNA integrity. Glutathione is a tri-peptide produced in the liver, which also assists in clearing toxins from the body. This infusion can help strengthen the immune system, improve neuro-cognitive function, decrease the risk of AODM, protect DNA from genetic mutations which may lead to certain cancers, and other anti-aging benefits.
Cash Pay & DPC Plan is $50
High Dose NAD+
NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) is a potent enzyme called the ”anti-aging” protein. Its main function is to protect DNA integrity and reverse damage at the cellular level. NAD+ infusion therapy has been used for over 50 years. Research has shown that supplementing NAD+ can increase energy and stamina, brain function, mental clarity, immune system response, nutritional metabolism, and athletic performance, as well as fights chronic fatigue syndrome and promotes cell regeneration.
Cash Pay is $250 & DPC Plan is $200
Our IV Infusion Benefits
There are many benefits to trying an IV Infusion, all of which contribute to improving your overall health. If you could invest a moderate amount of money in a treatment that could enhance your health, help you lose weight, and give you more energy for your daily activities, wouldn’t you think it’s worth it? Please consult with our doctors in Dallas, TX, ask any questions you might have, and fully consider all the benefits you’ll enjoy if you try an IV infusion treatment.
- Stronger Immune System
- Reversed Inflammation
- Improved Cognitive Function
- Boosted Energy Levels
- Reduction in Appetite
- Better Athletic Performance
- Enhanced Nutrient Absorption
- Anti-Aging Benefits
- Better Cardiovascular Health